Pretty Good Sum Type  1.0.0

Dead simple, purely functional binary search tree

#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <pgs/sum_type.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <numeric>
#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>
namespace {
using namespace pgs;
namespace tree_detail {
//('a, 'b) tree =
// | Empty
// | Node of ('a, 'b) * ('a, 'b) tree * ('a,'b) tree
struct empty_t {}; //Case 1
template <class T, class V> struct node_t; //Case 2
//Since `node_t<K, V>` values contain `tree<K, V>` values,
//`node_<K, V>` is a recursive type
template <class K, class V>
//A definition for `tree<K, V>` being available, now we can "fill
//in" the definition of `node_t<K, V>`
template <class K, class V>
struct node_t {
using tree_type = tree<K, V>;
using value_type = std::pair<K, V>;
//Construct a `node_t` from `data`, a `left` and a `right`
template <class D, class L, class R>
node_t (D&& data, L&& left_child, R&& right_child)
: data {std::forward<D>(data)}
, left_child {std::forward<L> (left_child)}
, right_child {std::forward<R> (right_child)}
//A node consists of:
value_type data; //data
tree_type left_child; //a left sub-tree and
tree_type right_child;//a right sub-tree
template <class K, class V>
bool empty (tree<K, V> const& t) {
return t.template is<empty_t> ();
template <class K, class V, class AccT, class F>
AccT fold (tree<K, V> const& t, AccT const& z, F f) {
return t.template match<AccT>(
[&z](empty_t const&) -> AccT { return z; },
[=, &z](node_t<K, V> const& n) -> AccT {
auto const& b =;
auto const& l = n.left_child;
auto const& r = n.right_child;
return fold(r, f (fold (l, z, f), b), f);
template <class K, class V, class P>
tree<K, V> insert (tree<K, V> const& t, P&& p) {
return t.template match<tree<K, V>> (
[&p](empty_t) {
return tree<K, V>{
, std::forward<P>(p)
, tree<K, V> {constructor<empty_t>{}}
, tree<K, V> {constructor<empty_t>{}}
[&p](node_t<K, V> const& m) {
K const& k = p.first;
V const& v = p.second;
K const& a =;
tree<K, V> const& l = m.left_child;
tree<K, V> const& r = m.right_child;
if (k == a)
return tree<K, V>{
, std::forward<P> (p), l, r};
if (k < a) {
return tree<K, V>{
,, insert (l, p), r};
return tree<K, V>{
,, l, insert (r, p)};
template <class K, class V>
bool contains (tree<K, V> const& t, K const& k) {
return t.template match<bool>(
[](empty_t) { return false; },
[&k](node_t<K, V> const& n) {
auto const& a =;
auto const& l = n.left_child;
auto const& r = n.right_child;
if (k == a) return true;
if (k < a) return contains (l, k);
return contains (r, k);
template <class K, class V>
V const& lookup (tree<K, V> const& t, K const& k) {
return t.template match<V const&>(
[](empty_t const&) -> V const& {
throw std::runtime_error{"lookup"};
[&k](node_t<K, V> const& n) -> V const& {
auto const& a =;
auto const& l = n.left_child;
auto const& r = n.right_child;
if (k == a) return;
if (k < a) return lookup (l, k);
return lookup (r, k);
template <class K, class V, class P>
std::pair<tree<K, V>, tree<K, V>> partition (tree<K, V> const& t, P const& p) {
auto f = [&p](
std::pair<tree<K, V>, tree<K, V>> const& acc, std::pair<K, V> const& b) {
auto const& l = acc.first;
auto const& r = acc.second;
if (p (b))
return std::make_pair (insert (l, b), r);
return std::make_pair (l, insert (r, b));
tree<K, V> const empty {constructor<empty_t>{}};
return fold (t, std::make_pair (empty, empty), f);
template <class K, class V>
std::pair<K, V> const& min_binding (tree<K, V> const& t) {
return t.template match<std::pair<K, V> const&>(
[](empty_t) -> std::pair<K, V> const& {
throw std::runtime_error{"min_binding"};
[](node_t<K, V> const& n) -> std::pair<K, V> const& {
auto const& l = n.left_child;
if (empty (l)) return;
return min_binding (l);
template <class K, class V>
std::pair<K, V> const& max_binding (tree<K, V> const& t) {
return t.template match<std::pair<K, V> const&>(
[](empty_t) -> std::pair<K, V> const& {
throw std::runtime_error{"max_binding"};
[](node_t<K, V> const& n) -> std::pair<K, V> const& {
auto const& r = n.right_child;
if (empty (r)) return;
return max_binding (r);
using empty_type = empty_t;
template<class K, class V>
using node_type =node_t<K, V>;
template<class K, class V>
using value_type = typename node_type<K, V>::value_type;
template <class K, class V>
using tree_type = typename node_type<K, V>::tree_type;
}//namespace tree_detail
//Dead simple binary search tree - no attempt at balancing
template <class K, class V>
class binary_search_tree {
//These abbreviations will become essential in your efforts to
//retain some sanity in what follows
using empty_type = tree_detail::empty_t;
using node_type = tree_detail::node_type<K, V>;
using value_type = typename node_type::value_type;
using tree_type = typename node_type::tree_type;
using self_type = binary_search_tree<K, V>;
tree_type impl_; //the root of the tree
//Extension constructor for internal use
template <
class T,
class = pgs::enable_if_t<
std::is_same<pgs::decay_t<T>, tree_type>::value, void>
binary_search_tree (T&& n) : impl_{std::forward<T> (n)}
//Default construction results in the empty tree
binary_search_tree() : impl_{constructor<empty_type>{}}
//Test for emptiness
bool empty () {
return tree_detail::empty (impl_);
//Apply 'f' to each binding in the tree
template <class AccT, class F>
AccT fold (AccT const& z, F f) const {
return tree_detail::fold (impl_, z, f);
//Compute a new tree with the same bindings as self but also
//containing the binding `(k, v)`. If `k` was already bound in
//self, that binding is replaced by `(k, v)`
template <class P>
self_type insert (P&& p) const {
return self_type { tree_detail::insert (impl_, std::forward<P>(p))};
//Compute a new tree with same bindings as self but without a
//binding `k`
self_type remove (K const& k) const {
return this->fold (self_type {},
[&k](self_type const& acc, value_type const& p) -> self_type {
return k == p.first ? acc : acc.insert (p);
//Compute the number of bindings in the tree
std::size_t size () const {
return this->fold (std::size_t{0}
, [](std::size_t acc, value_type const&) { return ++acc; });
//True if `k` is bound
bool contains (K const& k) const {
return tree_detail::contains (impl_, k);
//Get the value bound to `k` in the tree. Raise a
//`std::runtime_error` if there is no binding for `k`
V const& lookup (K const& k) const {
return tree_detail::lookup (impl_, k);
//Extract the bindings in the tree. They'll come back sorted
//lexicographicaly on keys
template <class ItT>
ItT bindings (ItT dst) const {
return this->fold (dst, [](ItT dst, value_type const& n) {
return *dst++ = n; });
//Check if all the bindings in the tree satisfy the predicate `p`
template <class P>
bool for_all (P const& p) const {
return this->fold (true, [&p](bool acc, value_type const& n) {
return acc && p (n); });
//True if at least one binding satisfies the predicate `p`
template <class P>
bool exists (P const& p) const {
return fold (false, [&p](bool acc, value_type const& n) {
return acc || p (n); });
//Compute a tree all the bindings that satisfy the predicate 'p'
template <class P>
self_type filter (P const& p) const {
auto f = [&p](self_type const& acc, value_type const& b) {
if (p (b))
return acc.insert (b);
return acc;
return this->fold (self_type{}, f);
//Compute a pair of maps `(l, r)` where `l` contains all the
//bindings that satisfy the predicate `p` and `r` is all the
//bindings that dont'
template <class P>
std::pair<tree_type, tree_type> res{tree_detail::partition(impl_, p)};
return std::make_pair (
self_type{std::move (res.first)}, self_type{std::move (res.second)});
//Computes a tree with the same keys but where `f` has been
//applied to all values in the bindings
template <class F>
auto map (F f) ->
binary_search_tree<K, decltype (f (std::declval<V>()))> {
auto l = [=](self_type const& acc, value_type const& b) {
return acc.insert (std::make_pair (b.first, f (b.second)));
return this->fold (self_type{}, l);
//Return the smallest binding (may throw `std::runtime_error` if
//the tree is empty)
value_type min_binding () const {
return tree_detail::min_binding (impl_);
//Return the largest binding (may throw `std::runtime_error` if
//the tree is empty)
value_type max_binding () const {
return tree_detail::max_binding (impl_);
template <class ItT>
struct tree_type_from_it {
using node_t = typename std::iterator_traits<ItT>::value_type;
using key_t = typename node_t::first_type;
using val_t = typename node_t::second_type;
using tree_t = binary_search_tree<key_t, val_t>;
using type = tree_t;
template <class ItT>
using tree_type_from_it_t =typename tree_type_from_it<ItT>::type;
//Factory function for creating a tree from a list
template <class ItT>
tree_type_from_it_t<ItT> mk_tree (ItT begin, ItT end) {
using tree_t = tree_type_from_it_t<ItT>;
tree_t l;
for (; begin != end; l = l.insert(*begin++));
return l;
TEST (pgs, tree2_basic) {
using tree_t = binary_search_tree<int, std::string>;
tree_t t;
ASSERT_TRUE(t.empty ());
tree_t tt = t.insert (
std::make_pair (1, std::string ("foo"))).
insert (std::make_pair (2, std::string ("bar")));
ASSERT_EQ(tt.size (), 2);
tree_t ttt = tt.remove (2);
ASSERT_EQ(ttt.size (), 1);
namespace std {//Hack!
template <class K, class V>
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, std::pair<K, V> const& p) {
return os << "(" << p.first << ", " << p.second << ")";
}//namspace std
TEST (pgs, tree2_more) {
using tree_t = binary_search_tree<std::string, int>;
node_t data[] = {
std::make_pair (std::string {"mike"}, 45),
std::make_pair (std::string {"sally"}, 25),
std::make_pair (std::string {"sebastien"}, 33),
std::make_pair (std::string {"jack"}, 12),
std::make_pair (std::string {"henry"}, 66)
tree_t ages = mk_tree (data, data + 5);
EXPECT_EQ (ages.size (), 5);
EXPECT_TRUE (ages.contains (std::string {"sebastien"}));
EXPECT_EQ (ages.lookup (std::string {"sally"}), 25);
EXPECT_THROW (ages.lookup (std::string {"gru"}), std::runtime_error);
// std::cout << "Bindings : ";
// ages.bindings (
// std::ostream_iterator<std::pair<std::string, int>>(std::cout, " ")
// );
// std::cout << '\n';
auto everyone_of_age = [](std::pair<std::string, int> const& b) { return b.second > 21; };
EXPECT_FALSE (ages.for_all (everyone_of_age));
auto no_senior_citizen = [](node_t const& b) { return b.second < 70; };
EXPECT_TRUE (ages.for_all (no_senior_citizen));
auto sebastien = [](node_t const& b) { return b.first == "sebastien"; };
EXPECT_TRUE (ages.exists (sebastien));
auto gru = [](node_t const& b) { return b.first == "gru"; };
EXPECT_FALSE (ages.exists (gru));
auto logans_run = ages.filter ([](node_t const& b) { return b.second >= 35; });
EXPECT_EQ (logans_run.size (), 2);
auto pp = ages.partition ([](node_t const& b) { return b.second < 30; });
// std::cout << "Those under 30: ";
// pp.first.bindings (
// std::ostream_iterator<std::pair<std::string, int>>(std::cout, " ")
// );
// std::cout << '\n';
// std::cout << "Those 30 and over: ";
// pp.second.bindings (
// std::ostream_iterator<std::pair<std::string, int>>(std::cout, " ")
// );
// std::cout << '\n';
ages = ([](int age) { return ++age; });
EXPECT_EQ(ages.lookup (std::string{"henry"}), 67);
EXPECT_EQ (std::make_pair (std::string{"henry"}, 67), ages.min_binding ());
EXPECT_EQ (std::make_pair (std::string{"sebastien"}, 34), ages.max_binding ());