Pretty Good Sum Type  1.0.0

Options are a type that can be either 'None' (undefined) or 'Some x' for any value 'x'

#include <pgs/pgs.hpp>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <climits>
#include <functional>
//type 'a t = Some of 'a | None
namespace {
using namespace pgs;
template <class T>
struct some_t { //Case 1
T data;
template <class U>
explicit some_t (U&& data) : data { std::forward<U> (data) }
struct none_t //Case 2
//Options are a type that can either hold a value of type `none_t`
//(undefined) or `some_t<T>`
template<class T>
using option = sum_type<some_t<T>, none_t>;
//is_none : `true` if a `some_t<>`, `false` otherwise
template<class T>
bool is_none (option<T> const& o) {
return o.template is<none_t> ();
//A trait that can "get at" the type `T` contained by an option
template <class>
struct option_value_type;
template <class T>
struct option_value_type<option<T>> { typedef T type; };
template <class T>
using option_value_type_t = typename option_value_type<T>::type;
//Factory function for case `none_t`
template <class T>
option<T> none () {
return option<T>{constructor<none_t>{}};
//Factory function for case `some_t<>`
template <class T>
option<decay_t<T>> some (T&& val) {
using t = decay_t<T>;
return option<t>{constructor<some_t<t>>{}, std::forward<T> (val)};
//is_some : `false` if a `none_t`, `true` otherwise
template<class T>
inline bool is_some (option<T> const& o) {
return o.template is<some_t<T>>();
//Attempt to get a `const` reference to the value contained by an
template <class T>
T const& get (option<T> const & u) {
return u.template match<T const&> (
[](some_t<T> const& o) -> T const& { return; },
[](none_t const&) -> T const& { throw std::runtime_error {"get"}; }
//Attempt to get a non-`const` reference to the value contained by an
template <class T>
T& get (option<T>& u) {
return u.template match<T&> (
[](some_t<T>& o) -> T& { return; },
[](none_t&) -> T& { throw std::runtime_error {"get"}; }
//`default x (Some v)` returns `v` and `default x None` returns `x`
template <class T>
T default_ (T x, option<T> const& u) {
return u.template match<T> (
[](some_t<T> const& o) -> T { return; },
[=](none_t const&) -> T { return x; }
//`map_default f x (Some v)` returns `f v` and `map_default f x None`
//returns `x`
template<class F, class U, class T>
auto map_default (F f, U const& x, option<T> const& u) -> U {
return u.template match <U> (
[=](some_t<T> const& o) -> U { return f (; },
[=](none_t const&) -> U { return x; }
//Option monad 'bind'
template<class T, class F>
auto operator * (option<T> const& o, F k) -> decltype (k (get (o))) {
using result_t = decltype (k ( get (o)));
using t = option_value_type_t<result_t>;
return o.template match<result_t> (
[](none_t const&) -> result_t { return none<t>(); },
[=](some_t<T> const& o) -> result_t { return k (; }
//Option monad 'unit'
template<class T>
option<decay_t<T>> unit (T&& a) {
return some (std::forward<T> (a));
template <class T, class F>
auto map (F f, option<T> const& m) -> option<decltype (f (get (m)))>{
using t = decltype (f ( get (m)));
return m.template match<option<t>> (
[](none_t const&) -> option<t> { return none<t>(); },
[=](some_t<T> const& o) -> option<t> { return some (f (; }
TEST (pgs, option) {
ASSERT_EQ (get(some (1)), 1);
ASSERT_THROW (get (none<int>()), std::runtime_error);
auto f = [](int i) { //avoid use of lambda in unevaluated context
return some (i * i); };
ASSERT_EQ (get (some (3) * f), 9);
auto g = [](int x) { return x * x; };
ASSERT_EQ (get (map (g, some (3))), 9);
ASSERT_TRUE (is_none (map (g, none<int>())));
ASSERT_EQ (default_(1, none<int>()), 1);
ASSERT_EQ (default_(1, some(3)), 3);
auto h = [](int y) -> float{ return float (y * y); };
ASSERT_EQ (map_default (h, 0.0, none<int>()), 0.0);
ASSERT_EQ (map_default (h, 0.0, some (3)), 9.0);
namespace {
//safe "arithmetic"
std::function<option<int>(int)> add (int x) {
return [=](int y) -> option<int> {
if ((x > 0) && (y > INT_MAX - x) ||
(x < 0) && (y < INT_MIN - x)) {
return none<int>(); //overflow
return some (y + x);
std::function<option<int>(int)> sub (int x) {
return [=](int y) -> option<int> {
if ((x > 0) && (y < (INT_MIN + x)) ||
(x < 0) && (y > (INT_MAX + x))) {
return none<int>(); //overflow
return some (y - x);
std::function<option<int>(int)> mul (int x) {
return [=](int y) -> option<int> {
if (y > 0) { //y positive
if (x > 0) { //x positive
if (y > (INT_MAX / x)) {
return none<int>(); //overflow
else { //y positive, x nonpositive
if (x < (INT_MIN / y)) {
return none<int>(); //overflow
else { //y is nonpositive
if (x > 0) { // y is nonpositive, x is positive
if (y < (INT_MIN / x)) {
return none<int>();
else { //y, x nonpositive
if ((y != 0) && (x < (INT_MAX / y))) {
return none<int>(); //overflow
return some (y * x);
return [=](int y) {
if (x == 0) {
return none<int>();//division by 0
if (y == INT_MIN && x == -1)
return none<int>(); //overflow
return some (y / x);
TEST(pgs, safe_arithmetic) {
//2 * (INT_MAX/2) + 1 (won't overflow since `INT_MAX` is odd and
//division will truncate)
ASSERT_EQ (get (unit (INT_MAX) * div (2) * mul (2) * add (1)), INT_MAX);
// //2 * (INT_MAX/2 + 1) (overflow)
ASSERT_TRUE (is_none (unit (INT_MAX) * div (2) * add (1) * mul (2)));
// //INT_MIN/(-1)
ASSERT_TRUE (is_none (unit (INT_MIN) * div (-1)));