Pretty Good Sum Type  1.0.0

Implementation of a functional list

#include <pgs/pgs.hpp>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
namespace {
using namespace pgs;
template <class T> struct cons_t; // Case 1
struct nil_t {}; // Case 2
//Equaility of nil_t values
bool operator==(nil_t const&, nil_t const&) {
return true;
//Since `cons_t<T>` values contain `list_t<values>`, `cons_t<T>`
//(and so `list_t<T>`) is a recursive type
template <class T>
//A trait that can "get at" the type `T` contained by a list type
template <class L>
struct list_value_type;
template <class T>
struct list_value_type<list<T>> { typedef T type; };
template <class L>
using list_value_type_t = typename list_value_type<L>::type;
//A definition for `list<T>` now being available, we can "fill in"
//the definition of `cons_<T>`
template <class T>
struct cons_t {
T hd;
list<T> tl;
template <class U, class V>
cons_t (U&& hd, V&& tl) :
hd {std::forward<U> (hd)}, tl {std::forward<V>(tl)} {
//Equality of `cons_t<T>` values
template <class T>
bool operator== (cons_t<T> const& l, cons_t<T> const& r) {
return l.hd == r.hd && ==;
//Non-equality of `cons_t<T>` values
template <class T>
bool operator!= (cons_t<T> const& l, cons_t<T> const& r) {
return !(l == r);
//A factory function for a `nil_t` (a constant)
template <class T>
constexpr list<T> nil () {
return list<T>{ constructor<nil_t>{} };
//Factory function for a `cons_t<T>`. Watch out, this one is a
//little subtle!
template <class U, class V>
inline list<decay_t<U>> cons (U&& hd, V&& tl) {
using T = decay_t<U>;
return list<T> {constructor<cons_t<T>>{}, std::forward<U> (hd), std::forward<V> (tl) };
template <class T>
inline T const& hd (list<T> const& l) {
return l.template match <T const&> (
//case : nil_t
[] (nil_t const&) -> T const& {
throw std::runtime_error{"hd"}; },
//case : cons_t<T>
[] (cons_t<T> const& n) -> T const& {
return n.hd; }
template <class T>
inline list<T> const& tl (list<T> const& l) {
return l.template match <list<T> const&> (
//case : nil_t
[] (nil_t const&) -> list<T> const& {
throw std::runtime_error{"tl"}; },
//case : cons_t<T>
[] (cons_t<T> const& n) -> list<T> const& {
return; }
template <class F, class AccT, class T>
AccT fold_left (F f, AccT const& acc, list<T> const& l) {
return l.template match<AccT>(
//case : nil_t
[=](nil_t){ return acc; },
//case : cons_t<T>
[=](cons_t<T> const& x) {
return fold_left (f, f(acc, x.hd),; }
template <class F, class T, class AccT>
AccT fold_right (F f, list<T> const& l, AccT const& acc) {
return l.template match<AccT>(
//case : nil_t
[=](nil_t){ return acc; },
//case : cons_t<T>
[=](cons_t<T> const& x) {
return f (x.hd, (fold_right (f,, acc))); }
template<class T>
inline list<T> rev (list<T> const& l) {
return fold_left(
[](list<T> const& acc, T const& x) { return cons (x, acc); }
, nil<T>()
, l
template <class T>
inline int length (list<T> const& l) {
return fold_left ([](int acc, T const&) { return ++acc; }, 0, l);
template <class T>
T const& nth (list<T> const& l, std::size_t i) {
return l.template match<T const&>(
//case : nil_t
[](nil_t) -> T const& {
throw std::runtime_error {"nth"}; return *(T*)0; },
//case : cons_t<T>
[=](cons_t<T> const& x) -> T const& { return i == 0 ? x.hd : nth (, i - 1); }
namespace list_detail {
list<int> range_aux (list<int> const& acc, int const s, int e) {
if (s >= e) return acc;
return range_aux (cons (s, acc), s + 1, e);
}//namespace list_detail
//rg - like the Python function 'range'
list<int> rg (int begin, int end) {
return rev (list_detail::range_aux (nil<int> (), begin, end));
//append (catenate two lists - not tail recursive)
template <class T>
list<T> append (list<T> const& l, list<T> const& r) {
return fold_right (
[](T const& x, list<T> const& acc) -> list<T> { return cons (x, acc); }
, l, r);
//List monad 'unit'
template <class T>
inline list<T> unit (T&& a) {
return cons (std::forward<T>(a), nil<T>());
//List monad 'bind'
let rec ( * ) : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b t) -> 'b t =
fun l -> fun k ->
match l with | [] -> [] | (h :: tl) -> k h @ tl * k
template <class T, class F>
auto operator * (list<T> const& a, F k) -> decltype (k (hd (a))) {
using result_t = decltype (k (hd (a)));
using t = list_value_type_t<result_t>;
return a.template match<result_t>(
[](nil_t const&) { return nil<t>(); },
[=](cons_t<T> const& x) { return append (k (x.hd), * k); }
//join - 'z * \a.a'
// Concatenates a list of lists
template <class T>
list<T> join (list<list<T>> const& z) {
return z * [](list<T> const& m) { return m; };
//map - 'map f m = m * \a.unit (f a)'
// The equivalent of `std::transform ()`
template <class T, class F>
list<T> map (F f, list<T> const& m) {
return m * [=](T const& a) { return unit (f (a)); };
TEST (pgs, list) {
//check rev [1; 2; 3] = [3; 2; 1]
ASSERT_EQ (rev (rg (1, 4)), cons (3, cons (2, cons (1, nil<int> ()))));
//check append ([1; 2; 3], [4; 5; 6; 7]) = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7]
ASSERT_EQ (append (rg (1, 4), rg (4, 8)), rg (1, 8));
//check join ([1; 2], [3; 4]) = [1; 2; 3; 4]
ASSERT_EQ (join (cons (rg (1, 3), cons (rg (3, 5), nil<list<int>>()))) , rg (1, 5));
//list comprehensions
//check [1; 2]^2 = [1; 4]
list<int> l = rg (1, 3);
list<int> m = //avoid 'lambda in unevaluated ctx' error
map ([](int m) { return m * m; }, rg (1, 3));
ASSERT_EQ (m, cons (1, cons (4, nil<int>())));
//cartesian product
auto n =
l * [&m](int x) {
return m * [=](int y) {
return unit (std::make_pair (x, y)); };
ASSERT_EQ (n, cons (std::make_pair (1, 1)
, cons (std::make_pair (1, 4)
, cons (std::make_pair (2, 1)
, cons (std::make_pair (2, 4)
, nil<std::pair<int, int>>())))));