Pretty Good Sum Type  1.0.0

Abstract syntax trees

#include <pgs/pgs.hpp>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
namespace {
using namespace pgs;
//The various cases of an expression
//`E_const` expressions store their constant value
struct E_const {
int i;
E_const (int i) : i (i) {}
struct E_add; //addition expression
struct E_sub; //difference expression
struct E_mul; //multiplication expression
struct E_div; //divistion expression
//An `xpr_t` is one of a constant expression, an addition expression,
//a subtraction expression, ...
using xpr_t = sum_type<
//Base class for expressions that contain a left operand and a right
struct op {
xpr_t l, r;
template <class U, class V>
op (U&& l, V&& r) : l {std::forward<U> (l)}, r {std::forward<V> (r)}
struct E_add : op {
template <class U, class V>
E_add (U&& l, V&& r) : op {std::forward<U> (l), std::forward<V> (r)}
struct E_sub : op{
template <class U, class V>
E_sub (U&& l, V&& r) : op {std::forward<U> (l), std::forward<V> (r)}
struct E_mul : op {
template <class U, class V>
E_mul (U&& l, V&& r) : op {std::forward<U> (l), std::forward<V> (r)}
struct E_div : op {
template <class U, class V>
E_div (U&& l, V&& r) : op {std::forward<U> (l), std::forward<V> (r)}
//Factory functions
inline xpr_t cst (int i) {
return xpr_t{constructor<E_const>{}, i};
template <class L, class R>
inline xpr_t add (L&& l, R&& r) {
return xpr_t {constructor<E_add>{}, std::forward<L>(l), std::forward<R>(r) };
template <class L, class R>
inline xpr_t sub (L&& l, R&& r) {
return xpr_t{constructor<E_sub>{}, std::forward<L>(l), std::forward<R>(r) };
template <class L, class R>
inline xpr_t mul (L&& l, R&& r) {
return xpr_t{constructor<E_mul>{}, std::forward<L>(l), std::forward<R>(r) };
template <class L, class R>
inline xpr_t div (L&& l, R&& r) {
return xpr_t{constructor<E_div>{}, std::forward<L>(l), std::forward<R>(r) };
//An `ostream` "inserter" for expressions
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& os, xpr_t const& e) {
return e.match<std::ostream&> (
[&](E_const const& e) -> std::ostream& {
return os << e.i;
[&](E_mul const& e) -> std::ostream& {
return os << e.l << "*" << e.r; }
[&](E_div const& e)-> std::ostream& {
return os << e.l << "/" << e.r;
[&](E_add const& e) -> std::ostream& {
return os << "(" << e.l << " + " << e.r << ")";
[&](E_sub const& e) -> std::ostream& {
return os << "(" << e.l << " - " << e.r << ")";
TEST (pgs, expression) {
//n=2 + 3
xpr_t n = add (cst (2), cst (3));
xpr_t d = cst (5);
//xpr = n/d = (2 + 3)/5
xpr_t xpr = div (n, d);
os << xpr;
ASSERT_EQ (os.str (), std::string {"(2 + 3)/5"});